The sacred union is a cosmic dance; a flow of two rivers that merge into the one consciousness of the sacred light!


The wise one beholds all beings in the self and the self in all

~ Isha Upanishad


Nothing Is More Magical Than Experiencing Yourself As a Soul …

πŸ’Ž Do you long to experience more peace, joy, love and abundance?

πŸ’Ž Would you like to be in divine alignment with all aspects of yourself to feel more connected to your core essence?

πŸ’Ž Do you sometimes feel diconnected and yearn to feel at home within your being?

πŸ’Ž Do you want to be more deeply connected with your yin and yang energies?

πŸ’Ž Do you know that balancing the divine masculine and the divine feminine will bring Peace to our Planet?

πŸ’Ž Do you have the passion to dance with Life again?

Imagine if you could experience it all …

Guess what? you can!


feel, explore and discover all aspects of self within this 5-day online summit where we will take you to dimensions where only peace, love, and joy exist …

And where we are in true union with self and with all of life!


During this potent 5-Day global gathering, you will witness, learn and explore:

πŸ’Ž How to journey home to your soul to become whole again

πŸ’Ž How to be in divine alignment with all aspects of yourself to experience peace, joy, love and abundance

πŸ’Ž The wisdom of plants and what they teach us about sacred union

πŸ’Ž teachings of the ancient cultures about the sacred union to self, earth and cosmos

πŸ’Ž The twin flame journey; how the sacred union with our divine Partner plays an important role in accelerating our ascension


The sacred Union

Is a journey to self and is all about recognising the:

YIN and the YANG

LIGHT and the DARK


within us …

and acknowledging that we need it all in order to become WHOLE with all of creation.


It’s time to heal the collective distorted masculine and the distorted feminine to re-member who we truly are; PURE DIVINE LOVE …

The LOVE that will guide us home to unite with self, with others & with God/Goddess.

The imbalance of the yin and the yang energies are one of the main factors of the chaos and disorder in our world today.

The distortions and wounds of the masculine and the feminine over millennia have caused separation, pain, poverty and wars on our Planet!

We have been separated from our Soul for too long.

Humanity can no longer continue along this trajectory.


The Sacred Union allows the inner flower of Peace to grow and radiate out into the world.


The Sacred Union

A Twin-Flame Journey

The Sacred Union is also a twin-flame journey.

A twin-flame can be described as one soul sharing two bodies that is deeper than a soulmate connection.

This person is your mirror, you live the same lives and go through similar circumstances learning the same lessons.

You feel a love for them that is like no other. This person is the definition of your other half.

Before incarnation, twins sign a soul contract that states that they agree in this lifetime to meet then temporarily separate to heal, then later they are able to come back into union. 

This process is painful but it reaches a beautiful and profound ending.

When this divine union is aligned to their higher purpose for the highest good of all, magic and miracles appear all around. Life becomes a journey of infinite possibilites and abundance for all to enjoy!


The Twin-Flame Journey is a sacred union that restores balance to the divine feminine and the divine masculine within and without!

β€œLove melts. Love heals. Love unites. Love forgives. A Divine Union that goes beyond time and space, that’s what I’m looking for ... ”
— Nityananda Das

The sacred Union global summit will leave you nourished, empowered and balanced so that you can dance again with all aspects of yourself …


Because it is in the experience and knowing that being one with Creation will liberate us from the bondage of hate, separation, poverty, lack and everything we are NOT!

β€œA divine dance appears in the soul and the body at the time of peace and union.
Anyone can learn the dance, just listen to the music.”
— Rumi

Are you ready to BE FREE FROM ALL That you are not?

Meet the incredible Speakers and space holders of the sacred union …

We have a fabulous line-up of 25+ brilliant and high-vibrational speakers from a wide variety of backgrounds, expertise, and modalities who will provide wisdom and guidance on the journey to Self; a journey to self-mastery to return home to who we truly are.

The speakers will share their amazing sacred union stories as well as how our connection to the plants, the earth, the stars and the ancient civilisations, plays a pivotal role to our union with the Divine to co-create magic for the highest good of all!


Ami Sohi

Founder of Joy Through Travel, Sacred Sites Tour Guide and Facilitator, Teacher and Author

Host & Creator of The Sacred Union Global Conference

Rewilding The Sacred Dance - Animal Qigong for Vitality, Joy, Confidence & Sacred Union

Adam apollo

Physicist, Technologist, Wisdom Keeper, Spiritual Healer, Co-Founder of the UNIFY Movement, Public Speaker and Movie Star

Divine Alchemy

Jocelyn Star Feather

Visibility & Thought Leadership Coach for Visionary Entrepreneurs, Spiritual Alchemist, Sacred Site Tour Facilitator, Astrologer, & Founder of Sacred Planet

Alchemy of the Heart Chakra & the Precessional Ages of Leo & Aquarius


Devorah Spilman

Master Storyteller and Intuitive Coach for Entrepreneurs

Finding and Telling your Authentic Soul Story is the Path to Your Self

Pam Montgomery

Herbalist, Author, International Teacher, Earth Elder and New-Paradigm Thinker

Restoring Our Sacred Union with Nature

Dr. Marie Mbouni

Spiritual Guide, Shaman, Medicine Woman, and Trauma-Informed Sacred Ceremonies Facilitator

Reclaiming the Creator Self: The Heart as a Crucible and Portal to Sacred Polarities


Eimear Stassin

A Shan-a-key; Irish Sacred Storyteller, Poet and Crafter of the True Lore.

Walking the Path of Death

Veronica Parks

 Soul Healer and Channel of Divine Love and
Founder of the Angels Gate Academy

From Separation to Divine Union

Allana Pratt

Intimacy Expert, Global Media Personality, Author and Podcaster

Our Masculine & Feminine Energy & How it Helps or Hurts our Relationships?


Dr. Veronica Goodchild

Emerita Professor, Pacifica Graduate Institute, Jungian Psychotherapist, Pilgrimage Leader, and Author

β€˜Celestial Earth’ - Signatures of Union and the Emergence of the Subtle World in our Time

Darryl D’Souza

Healer, Organic Farmer, Environmentalist, Founder of Integrative Medicine & Healthcare Committee of India, & Earth Keepers Connect

The Sacred Balance of the Masculine and the Feminine

Isis Indriya

An educator for Ritual, Divination, Egyptian Cosmology, and Hermeticism. Founder of The Academy of Oracle Arts Academy

Communion with the Sacred in the Interior Temple


Leah Sonaria

Flow Priestess, Transformational Guide, Sonic Alchemist and Ceremonial Spaceholder, Artist, Designer, Published Author, Soul Singer, Curator and Community Builder

Egyptian Tantra for Divine Union

Julien Le Noohra

Intuitive Empath, Life Force Channeler, Energy Healer, Spiritual Teacher, and Mystic

The 4 Stages of Divine Union

Kathy Forrest

Psychotherapist, Master Energy Healer, Teacher, Speaker, Transformational Life Coach, and Wild-Woman High Priestess

Finding Your Real Self ~ Connecting to Your Soul


Dr. Enolia Foti

Grandmother, Elder and Dr., Energy Medicine Practitioner, International Keynote Speaker, Author, Global Influencer, Social Entrepreneur, and Multi-Award-winning Life/Business Coach

Empower Achieve Succeed Through Self Mastery

Danny Vader & Hélène van Engelen

Founders of the Firekeeper Academy, Wisdom Keepers, Intuitive & Spirit Guides, Teachers, Facilitators, and Transformational Pioneers

Twin Flames: Sugar-Sweet, or Hard Work?

Clara Nisiri

Founder of Alkhemical Dreaming, Transformational Guide, Mesa Carrier of the Sacred Andean Tradition and Creator of Dreaming the New Earth Global Online Gathering

Blue Lotus Dreaming: Divine Union through the Forces of Nature


Nadine Rajeh

Holistic Life Coach for Parents, Teens and Tweens, Bestselling Author of Brilliant and Co-Author of The Parenting Owner’s Manual

Make Peace with Your Shame to Own Your Wholeness and Shine Your Light

Kristin Bielecki

Intuitive, Crystalline Grid Architect, Awakening and Soul Embodiment Guide

You are Your Purpose - Coming into Divine Union with YourSelf First

Enrica Ferruzzi

Published Author, Conscious Dreamer, Teacher & Guide, Healing Artist, New Energy & Change Facilitator

Journeying Within: Exploring Self-Realization and Internal Alchemy


Irene Chong

Coach, Creator, Healer & the Founder of Alignment Journeys

Sacred Journey to Self - Your Alignment Alchemy!

Carrie Anne Killeen & Chris fuller

Dream Lifestyle Coach

Divine Love After Loss

Cheryl Prince

Spiritual Actress, Writer, Healer, Psychic Soul Guide and Creatrix of 5D Theatre

Facing the Darkness whilst Shining your Light


Rebecca Saltman

Social Entrepreneur, Writer, Change Agent, Rabble-Rouser for Good, and Founder of,

Sacred Reciprocity


β€œone Soul in two Bodies

Incarnated to illuminate the World

The Twin Flames have been called

To bring magic to the Earth

Hope, love and abundance for all!”

~ Ami Sohi

special Bonuses

Leah Sonaria

Flow Priestess, Transformational Guide, Sonic Alchemist and Ceremonial Spaceholder, Artist, Designer, Published Author, Soul Singer, Curator and Community Builder

Leah’s Personal Divine Union Journey

Anna Reidenbach

Certified Transformational Coach, Creativity Engineer, and Visionary Thought Leader

Abundance Energetics: Alchemize the Sacred Feminine and Masculine for Joy, Prosperity, and a Better World

Laura Paskell-Brown

"Tarot Doula" and Former Psychology Professor

Tarot for Sacred Union


Teresa Echaide

Nature Connection Coach, Eco-Spiritual Guide, Mentor and Teacher, Visual Storyteller of Nature, Spirituality, Culture and Ecology.

Embracing a Sacred Union with Mother Earth and Cacao

Special Closing Ceremony with Mother Cacao


Meet Your Host & Creator of The Sacred union Global Summit:

Ami Sohi


Amarpal (Ami) Sohi is a sacred storyteller, visionary thought leader, facilitator, teacher and the best-selling co-author of Business, Life and the Universe Volume 12.

She holds a Master’s Degree in Business Systems Analysis and an MBA, and is the founder of Joy Through Travel which supports people to explore the Sacred Sites, and caters to travellers who have a passion to serve, connect, and support the environment.

After spending twenty-five years as a Product Manager in both the UK and Germany, she realized that her favorite part of her job was helping people communicate better and open their hearts to each other.

This wove together beautifully with her Sikh upbringing which highlights equality and oneness, and she transitioned to supporting others to strengthen their sense of joy, contribution, and self-discovery.

 She now uses the art of both storytelling and travel to help people heal the stories held in their wounds, discover their unique superpowers, and shine their light.

Ami grew up in a culture where girls were prohibited from taking up space or celebrating themselves. Fortunately, she has always been a rebellious soul, and this sparked her to change HERSTORY!

Ami stands for a world that reflects our true divinity, where every human is born free and has the right to an abundant life.

β€œSacred union lives past the comfortable existence within the safety of the ego and into the purity of the space of vulnerability and surrender.

This is the wide open endless space of all possibility.

a place of authentic truth, trust and allowing.”

~ C. Ara Campbell

are you ready to explore this place of authentic truth, trust and allowing?